Your NHS

The people of Scotland deserve the best health service their money can buy and all the staff in NHSScotland are working hard to deliver it.

Involving the public and patients more directly in how the NHS is managed and delivered is a key priority for the future.

The development of a mutual NHS will see the public and patients become partners in the NHS rather than simply just patients who use its service

Patients in hospital waiting area

The NHS has served the people of Scotland well for 60 years and there are strong foundations on which to build as we move forward to develop a service for the 21st century.

Your NHS

An overview of how NHSScotland works, its governance arrangements and the role of NHS Boards and Special NHS Boards.

How NHSScotland works

Scottish people and NHS staff will become co-owners of the health service so that they can shape a truly responsive National Health Service which meets Scotland's needs for the next 60 years.

A Mutual NHS