Information for Teachers
The Scottish Government and Learning and Teaching Scotland hope to attract as many competition entries as possible and we need your help.
If you think you know of a pupil with a particular interest in any aspect of this competition, whether it be writing, health or even science fiction, then please make them aware of where they can find more details about the competition.
Some pupils may come to you for some additional assistance and we hope you will be able to help them. For instance, we envisage that some pupils may need help in where they can best conduct some research. As well as visiting local libraries or conducting a google search, they may wish to have a look at the following websites:
60 Years of NHSScotland
The site has been designed as a gateway to help you find out more from print and other sources.
Video clips
Highlands and Islands Medical Service
Emergency Hospital Service
Emergency Hospital Service (EHS)
Audio clips
Professor Jimmy Williamson remembers George Orwell as a patient:
Dr David Player on how our grannies had their teeth taken out as a “dowry”:
And how he signed Alex Ferguson, Jock Stein and the first non-smoking Scottish football teams
Children’s Own Memories
What children thought in words, photos and film of their TB sanatorium in the early 1950s (by former Herald journalist Ann Shaw, herself a child patient):

Useful Resources
Scottish Health on the Web
BBC – Health
Scottish Government Health & Community Care
NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL)
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
NHS Retirement Fellowship