Competition entry details

Who can enter the competition?
You can enter this competition if you are either:
- in primary six and primary seven during autumn 2008 term (P6 & P7)
- in first and second year at high school during autumn 2008 term (S1 & S2)
What format does the competition entry need to take?
This is a writing competition. We will accept a letter, a factual essay, an imaginative story, a poem or something completely different. It’s up to you. You can even illustrate your writing with a sketch or drawing if you think it will enhance your entry.
You can write as much or as little as you want, in any format you prefer. We will not accept illustrations or drawings on their own.
What do I need to do if I want to enter?
The first thing you should do is either let your primary school teacher or English or modern studies teacher know that you plan to take part in the competition.We hope they will be able to help you develop your competition entry.
Where can I find information to help me?
You will find out everything you need to know about the NHS on the NHS 60th Anniversary website The website contains information about the history of the NHS, some of the innovations that have taken place over the past 60 years, key people involved in making the NHS in Scotland what it is today and real life experiences from retired staff, current staff and patients.
You may want to interview friends and family who have used the NHS or NHS staff members to find out more about their experiences. Your teacher will also be able to assist you with your research.
Also see the ‘Get your thinking caps on!’ page which may help you generate some ideas.
When is the closing date for entries?
The deadline for entries is noon on Monday 17th November 2008.
Who do I submit my entry to?
You can either:
Email your entry to: [email protected]
Or send your entry by post to:
NHS 60th Anniversary Writing Competition
Barkers PR
234 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 4QY
Remember and include your name, age and home address. Please also include the name of your school.
Is there a prize?
One winner from the P6/P7 group and one winner from the S1/S2 group will be awarded with the following individual prize package as well as prizes for their school.
Individual prize package
- a Nintendo Wii
- tickets to a Scotland football match (at home)
- cinema tickets
School prize package
- a coaching session with the SFA
- SFA sponsored footballs and bibs
Who will judge the entries?
There will be a panel of judges who have a background in education, medicine and journalism.
What will be the judging criteria?
The judges will mark all entries on the following criteria:
- Creativity and imagination
- Evidence of research
- Appealing writing style
- Understanding of health issues
When will be winners be announced?
The winner will be announced on the homepage of the NHS 60th Anniversary website on 24 November 2008. The two winners will also be notified in writing.
What will happen to my competition entry?
All competition entries will be placed on the NHS 60th Anniversary website for all visitors to see.
There may also be some interest from the media about the entries we receive. We would like to share your ideas with the media and they may ask to meet you in person.
With this in mind, we have prepared a media release form for a parent or guardian to sign. This means we will be allowed to contact your parents and ask them for their permission to highlight your work to the media. This may involve getting your photograph taken and appearing in the press.
Please ensure that you complete the media form and post it to:
NHS 60th Anniversary Writing Competition
Barkers PR
234 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 4QY

Useful Resources
Scottish Health on the Web
BBC – Health
Scottish Government Health & Community Care
NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL)
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
NHS Retirement Fellowship