Media Release Form
All competition entries will be placed on the NHS 60th Anniversary website for all visitors to see.
There may also be some interest from the media about the entries we receive. We would like to share your ideas with the media and they may ask to meet you in person.
With this in mind, we have prepared a media release form for a parent or guardian to sign. This means we will be allowed to contact your parents and ask them for their permission to highlight your work to the media. This may involve getting your photograph taken and appearing in the press.
Media Release Form [DOC - 24KB]
Please ensure that you complete the media form and post it to:
NHS 60th Anniversary Writing Competition
Barkers PR
234 West George Street
Glasgow, G2 4QY

Useful Resources
Scottish Health on the Web
BBC – Health
Scottish Government Health & Community Care
NHS Health Scotland
Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL)
NHS Quality Improvement Scotland
NHS Retirement Fellowship